xEdu Spring '17: Meet Skyler Education

Another close-up of a wonderful team from xEdu Spring '17 program. Meet Skyler — a perfect tool that helps teachers and students manage project-based learning from beginning to end.

Countries like Finland, Estonia, Australia and UK, among many others, have decided to implement curricula with a strong focus on project-based learning methods. However, it turns out to be a very challenging endeavour. Only 28% of teachers in OECD countries are actually able to use student-centered teaching methods and 96% of employers claim that young people still lack basic working skills. Therefore, students need help in developing learning and working skills and teachers need help with using the project-based learning methods that help students develop these skills.

Skyler’s teacher app allows a teacher to plan for project-based learning in 5 simple steps for setting goals, designing the activities and planning assessment. The information from teacher app is then sent to the student mobile app where students can plan their learning activities alone or collaboratively, choose their own learning space, send and receive feedback and assess themselves as well as their peers.The feedback and reports from the students are color-coded and visible for the teacher in real time. This allows the teacher to monitor students’ learning and give individual support, inside the classroom and out.


xEdu Spring '17: Meet Ve-Top


xEdu Spring '17: Meet The Dibidogs