These 4 companies are educating the next responsible generation

Climate change is a complex, global problem that affects all corners of the world. The UN Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC), NASA and the World Bank Group have all voiced concerns about the prompt increase in global temperature, rising sea levels, and rapidly growing carbon dioxide emissions. Climate change is undoubtedly shaping our planet, and causing serious social and environmental problems. 
It is the task of every generation to invest time and effort in creating a healthier planet, and the responsibility of companies to include climate change prevention at the core of their agenda. However, as more innovative solutions are required, we turn to those, who innovate to exist: startups. 

Education is key in solving climate change

Startups currently offer innumerable niche innovations for solving existing climate change problems, but the most comprehensive way to prevent climate change seems to be establishing a more widespread understanding of the phenomenon. Thus, the most effective way to tackle the problem is to take expertise to the ultimate source of development – education. 
Combining the innovative nature of startups and the vital role of education could thus be the recipe we’re desperately looking for. These four forward-looking solutions were born out of the understanding that in the long run education is key because instead of attempting to mitigate the consequences of climate change, they concentrate on changing the initial behaviour contributing to those consequences.  

EduCycle — gamified climate education

Neste, a Finnish renewables company, is responding to this realization with EduCycle, an environmental learning game. EduCycle teaches children about the daily choices with which climate change can be prevented. The game utilizes AR technology to depict the consequences of the players’ decisions on the environment. The goal is to reach social and environmental standards set in the Paris Climate Agreement. 

Customised sustainability challenges from Ducky 

Norwegian Ducky is a mobile responsive, web-based application that utilizes positive incentives to encourage people to take more climate-friendly actions in their everyday lives. Ducky offers different service packages for companies, offices and classrooms, which are customized to challenge each audience in a suitable manner. 

A sustainability algorithm by EcoMate

Ecomate, an environmental consultancy startup, has also taken the educational approach towards companies. EcoMate is creating an algorithm to help small EU-based companies get on board with sustainability, grow their business and generate social and environmental impact. 

Envirate – and become a watchdog for the environment

Acknowledging that the prevention of climate change requires new, easily accessible and effective solutions, Envirate has created a channel through which anyone on the planet can contribute to change. Envirate is a  smartphone app that allows anybody, anytime and anywhere give ratings on the environment around them. Becoming a watchdog for the state of our planet, they say, will generate positive change. 

To learn more about these startups and their drive for change, visit Slush 2017. 
To play EduCycle, visit booth 6c.9. Also, don't miss the XcitED keynote on Educating the next responsible generation in Room 101. 15:00 - 15:10, on 30 November.


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The list of edtech startups to demo at XcitED '17